أهم مفردات نصوص الصفحة 47 – الوحدة الثالثة-
Shape : to cause (something) to have a particular character or nature; form تشكل
To be scientifically literateأن تكون لك معرفةعلميةTo have well -reasoned viewsأن تكون لك آراءمعقولة
To identify pseudo-scientific claimsالتحقق من الادعاءاتالعلمية الزائفة
Literate citizensمواطنينمتعلمين
Think criticallyالتفكير بشكلنقدي
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPRESSIONS OF PURPOSEعبارات التعبير عن الغرض ص49So / so as to / in order to* We use so / so as to / in order to , to express purposeExample ?A: Why did you call himB: I called him in order to / so as to / to invite him* The negatives are not to / in order not to / so as not to Example I called him not to congratulate him, but to invite him
---------------------------------------------------------------------- هنا تجدون نص الصفحة 50 من وحدة Advancesin Science and Technology
Insights into English: Text page 50PART A:Advancesin technology have changed the way we live and communicate, but no breakthroughhas revolutionized life as the advent of the « wireless ». In the 1980’s, telephones were stuck to walls. , facts were found in books and people had tobrowse shelves in a record store if they wanted to buy the latest music. Now, access to all of that and more is found by just reaching into our pockets. Withnew mobile technology and wireless technologies, information has become easilyaccessible. In the Information Age having immediate access to data isfundamental to progress. In some cases the advances are serving to overhaulindustries at a very fast pace. The internet has allowed music lovers to changethe way music industry does business. Text messaging over cell phones has madewritten communication more immediate. How many text messages have you senttoday? Having a com****r in almost every home was instrumental to this massivetechnology change. Now, having com****r access is available everywhere- well, almost everywhere. And just as com****r use worldwide is exploding, the brainsbehind them – the processors- are getting smaller. Today, a tiny com****r chipcan hold huge amounts of data. We can now store tons of information in a cellphone a digital camera and have them at our disposaleverywhere. When theinternet age dawned, the World Wide Web looked entirely unproblematic. Todayhowever, we face online scams and viruses
--xx--ingyour entertainmentexperienceTechnological advances have also transformedthe entertainment industry. Satellite television and radio give us more choices. The development of the remote control allows us to access our preferredchannels. Video game technology has made great strides, too
Breakthrough = an important discovery oreventThe wireless was an important breakthrough inscienceحدث مهم
2- Fundamental = ImportantScientific research is fundamental to progressمهم/ جوهري
3- Online scams: online fraudOnline scamis a major problem forinternet for online shoppersعملية احتيال
4 - To make strides = to make headways/ to makeprogressأن تحقق تقدما مهما
Looking into thefutureManylife-changing innovations have been made in scientific laboratories. Researchershave decoded the genetic make-up of many organisms, which led to advances inbiotechnology, the science of manipulating and organism’s genetic material. DNAtesting and forensic science has made it extremely possible to reunite anunidentified baby with his parents after a natural disaster, for example. Amazing new technologies are changing the way crimes are investigated andsolved. Scientists are making headways in biometrics, which is the science ofdigitizing information such as fingerprints or facial features for accurateidentification
Making advances
Hybrid vehicles – thosevehicles that use at least two power sources, typically gasoline and electricitywill soon be on the market everywhere. The compact fluorescent light bulb is low -tech. Yet, it has revolutionized the quality of life. It is one of the mostsuccessful energy- saving devices developed to date. There are advances ineverything. From banking to shopping to investing, technology and the internetare transforming the way we conduct our global banking and financing. Bankcustomers can see everything from their checking account and savings account tohome mortgages and credit cards. Now they can do all of that 24 hours a day, seven days a week from their own homes. Breakthroughs in defense technologychanged the face of warfare. Smart bombs are guided to their targets bysatellites. Robots are used to disarm bombs. Laser technology is applied inmedicine and CD and DVD recording and playback. In space exploration, unmannedspacecraft have landed on Mars. The sky’s the limit for new technologyindustries!!
الأجوبة على أسئلة النص
For instance= forexampleTo make headways= tomake progressBiometrics= scienceof digitizing informationHybrid vehicles= avehicle that uses two sources of power; gasoline andelectricityHome mortgages= agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank to buy ahouseقرض عقاري
Text Col********s page 50Part A
Col********sCol********sare: the way in which somewords are usedtogether
For example: commit a crimeفي الإنجليزية هناك كلمات تأتي دائما في الكلام مع بعضها البعض وتسمى col********اليوم ندرس بعض من هذه الكلمات التي في نص ص 50 من كتاب
Insights Into English
Verb+adjective+ noun
Adjective + Noun
Adverb+ Adjective
-To have immediate access
-To have com****r access
-To make great strides
-Wireless world
-Mobile technology
-Digital camera
-Online scams
-Technological advances
-The remote control
-Record store
-The information age
-Music industry
-Music lovers
-Entertainment industry
-Satellite television
-Easily accessible
Part B
Verb+adjective+ noun
Adjective + Noun
Adverb+ Adjective
- to make extremely possible
-to make headways
-life-changing innovations
-scientific laboratories
- forensic science
-natural disaster
- -hybrid vehicles
-- facial features
- unmanned spacecraft
-power sources
-bank customers
-savings account
-credit cards
-home mortgages
-defence technology
-smart bombs
-laser technology
To have immediate accessأن يكون لك حق استعمال شيء بشكل فوري EX/ Thanks to the internet, people have immediate access to data
To have com****r accessأن يكون لك حق استعمال الإنترنيت EX/Most young people have com****r access in their cities
To make great stridesأن تحرز تقدما مهما EX/ Scientists made great strides in technological sciences
Wireless worldعالم ألاسلكي EX/They made great strides in wireless world technology
Scientific laboratoriesالمختبرات العلمية
Digital cameraالكاميرا الرقمية
Forensic scienceالعلم الشرعي EX/ Great advances have been made in Forensic sciences
Online scamsعمليات احتيال على الإنترنيت
Natural disasterكارثة طبيعية EX/ The Tsunami in Asia was a major Natural disaster
Technological advancesالتطورات التكنولوجية
The remote controlالتحكم عن بعد
Record storeمحل الأسطوانات الموسيقية
The information ageعصر المعلومات EX/ The 21 st century is an information age century
Entertainment industryصناعة التسلية EX/ World Disney is an example of entertainment industry
Easily accessibleيمكن الوصول إليه بسهولة EX/ With satellite TV watching films is easily accessible
To make extremely possibleأن تجعل الشيء ممكنا لأبعد الحدود EX/ The internet has made it extremely possible for students to access information
To make headwaysأن تحرز تقدما كبيرا
Life-changing innovationsابتكارات تغير الحياة
Unmanned spacecraftمركبة بدون طيار
Savings accountحساب المدخرات Defence technologyتكنولوجيا الدفاع
Smart bombsالقنابل الذكية Laser technologyتكنولوجيا الليزر ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Making Complaints about behaviour
:There are a number of formulas used when complaining in Englishهناك العديد من العبارات نستعملها لنشتكي من سلوك أحد أو الرد على الشكوى
التشكي من سلوكأحد· I'm sorry to have to say this but... · I'm sorry to bother you, but... · Maybe you forgot to... · I hate to mention this but …· Would you please stop …الرد على الشكوى· I'm very sorry .· I’m terribly sorry· I’m awfully sorry· I see no reason why I should do/stop……
:Examplesأمثلة- Complaint: I am sorry to have to say that but you are making too much noise in the room- Response: I’ m terribly sorry- Complaint: I hate to mention this but you are always late for work- Response: I see no reason why I should come early while all the clerks come late, too.
درسLetter of complaint :writing
رسالة تشكي حول شيء اشتريته ووجدتبه خلل
Dear Sir or Madam,On 23 d of April this year I bought an HP pentuim4 com****r with the serial 410 workstation at your com****r storeUnfortunately, your com****r has not performed well because it keeps shutting itself down and the keyboard remains inactive. I am disappointed because the product does not work properlyTo resolve the problem, I would appreciate that you send someone to help repair the above mentioned com****r or else be sent my money back. Enclosed are copies of the guarantee, as well as the com****r bill priceI look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until the end of this week before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me at the above address or by phone at homeSincerely,Your name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
درس الصفحة 56
Modals: Expressing degrees of certaintyالأفعال المساعدة للتعبير عن درجة اليقينية/ التأكد
"Degree of certainty" refers to how sure we are-what we think the chances are-that something is true. If we are sure that something is true in the present, we do not need to use a modal. For example, if I say, "Martha is sick," I am sure; I am stating a fact that I am sure. My degree of certainty here is 100%. If I am asked "Why isn't Martha in class?" and I am not sure of the reason, I can respond in the following ways:للتعبير عن مدى أو درجة التأكد أو اليقينية في فعل شيء ما نستعمل عدة عبارات مع أفعال مساعدة. و فيما يلي أمثلة على ذلك
1She must be sick.Here, I am 95% sure that she is (not 100%) تفيد التأكد بنسبة 95 في المئة Must
2She may be sick.Here, I am 50% sure that she isتفيد التأكد بنسبة 50 في المئة May
3She might be sick.Here, I am less than 50% sure that she isتفيد التأكد بنسبة أقل من 50 في المئة Might
4She could be sick.Here, I am stating a mere guess. This is a very weak degree of certaintyأنا فقط أقدم افتراض أي أن درجة التأكد ضعيفة Could The Negativeأسلوب النفي
Forming such sentences in the negative can be confusing. Read these sentences
Maria is not hungry.I am 100% sure that she is not hungry. كما في المثال فأنا متأكد مئة في المئة Verb to be عندما أستعمل
I don't know why Maria is not eating with us. She maynot (or might not) be hungry.I am 50% or less certain that she is not hungry.May not/ might not تفيد التأكد بنسبة 50 بالمئة
Maria cannot be hungry. She has just had diner.Here, I believe that there is no possibility that Maria is hungry, but I am not 100% sure.أعبر عن انعدام الإمكانية Can not هنا مع
Maria is not eating. She must not be hungry.Here, I am expressing a logical conclusion, a best guess. أعبر عن استنتاج منطقي ومعقول Must not هنا مع
إذا أردنا التعبير عن درجة من التأكد في الماضي يجب استعمال الصيغ التاليةModal verb + have + past participleExamplesMaria didn’t attend the meeting. She must have been sick
لا حظ عندما أغير الجملة للمضارع the present Maria doesn’t attend the meeting. She must be sickأي أننا نستعمل فقط الفعل المساعد المناسب
Could in the pastCould ماضي
Could is used to express ability in the past. Here it isلتعبير عن القدرة على القيام بشيء في الماضي Could تستعمل For example: My girlfriend could lift the desk, but I could not.--- This means that my girlfriend was able to lift the desk, but I was unable to.
I could play football when I was a kid.
Phrasal verbs الأفعال العباريةصفحة 56Phrasal verbs أو الأفعال العبارية هي الأفعال التي تتكون من فعل + حرف جر
مثل Go up , Get along, keep on
اليوم سنرى بعض الأفعال العبارية المدرجة في الوحدة الثانية من كتابIntoEnglishInsightsمع حروف الجر Up, down , along, across, on
Up: for increasingتفيد الزيادة في الشيء :ExPrices have gone up
Up: for completionتفيد إنهاء شيئ ما :Ex!Drink your milk up
Down: for decreasingتفيد النقصان :ExPrices have come down
Up and Down: for excitement interest and happinessيفيداني الإثارة والإهتمام والفرح :ExCalm down!Cheer up. Life is too short to be so unhappy
Along: for relationshipsتفيد العلاقة
:ExI get along with my classmates
Across: so as to be understood or learnedتفيد الإيصال والإفهام Ex:He couldn’tgetthe ideaacrosstothe students
On: for progressتفيد الصيرورة والإستمرار :ExThe work is good. Just keep on
لنا عودة معا باقي الأفعال في الصفحة 56 في اقرب الأوقات
mardi 17 mars 2009
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